想いを編む季節Season of Belonging
想いを編む季節Season of Belonging
- (おばあちゃん)(仮)想いを編む案内人Belonging GuideGrandma BeloGrandma
- (究極)ぬくもりの焚火・想いを編む季節の究極の焚火BonfireGift BelongingBelonging Ultimate Bonfire
- 雨林の晴れ間・晴れの間・高台広場Forest clearing areaSunny ForestSunny area of Hidden ForestElevated Clearingsunny clearinggrandma's place
- 想いを編む季節Season of Belonging
季節精霊Seasonal Spirit
- (おばあちゃん)(仮)想いを編む案内人Belonging GuideGrandma BeloGrandma
- (リボン)紙ふぶき好きのいとこConfetti Cousin
- (長男)ぽんぽんする若者Hairtousle TeenBelonging Forest spiritheadpat spirit
- (末っ子)音と舞う幼子Boogie Kid
- (ママ)煌きを放つ親Sparkler Parent
- (パパ)訴えかける親Pleaful Parent
- (おじいちゃん)祖たる賢者Wise GrandparentWise grandpa
季節の案内人Season Guide
- (おばあちゃん)(仮)想いを編む案内人Belonging GuideGrandma BeloGrandma
究極の贈り物Ultimate Gift / Ult
- (究極)ぬくもりの焚火・想いを編む季節の究極の焚火BonfireGift BelongingBelonging Ultimate Bonfire
感情表現 / エモートExpression / Emote
- (末っ子)ブギーダンスBoogie DanceLoopdance
- (リボン)紙ふぶきCelebrateConfettiTada
- (ママ)スパークル・線香花火Sparkler
- (パパ)行かないでDon't Go
ポーズ / 立ち方Stance / pause
- (おじいちゃん)賢者のポーズ・考える人Wise stance
パンツPants / Outfit
- (末っ子)音と舞う幼子パンツBoogie Kid PantsCozy PantsBelonging Isle Legs
- (パパ)訴えかける親マスクPleaful Parent MaskBelonging Wasteland Mask
- (おじいちゃん)祖たる賢者マスクWise Grandparent MaskBelonging Vault Mask
- (ママ)煌きを放つ親マスクSparkler Parent Mask
- (末っ子)音と舞う幼子マスクBoogie Kid MaskBelonging Isle Mask
ネックレス / ペンダントNecklace / Pendant
- 想いを編む季節のペンダントPendant of Belonging
- (ママ)煌きを放つ親ヘアSparkler Parent Hair
- (リボン)紙ふぶき好きのいとこヘアConfetti Cousin HairBelonging Prairie Hair
ヘッドアクセサリーHead Accessory
- (長男)ぽんぽんする若者イヤマフHairtousle Teen Ear MuffsBelonging Forest Ear Muffs
- (おじいちゃん)祖たる賢者ケープWise Grandparent CapeBelonging Vault Cape
- (パパ)訴えかける親ケープPleaful Parent CapeBelonging Navy capeBelonging Wasteland Cape
- (リボン)紙ふぶき好きのいとこケープConfetti Cousin CapeBelonging Prairie Cape
- 煌きを放つ親の風車Pinwheel Prop
- 祖たる賢者のランタン・灯篭Wise Grandparent lantern propgrandpa's lantern propMemory Lantern
- (究極)ぬくもりの焚火・想いを編む季節の究極の焚火BonfireGift BelongingBelonging Ultimate Bonfire
- (長男)ぽんぽんする若者楽器・マンドリン・ウクレレHairtousle Teen instrumentBelonging Forest instrument
- (パパ)訴えかける親楽器・赤いギターPleaful Parent GuitarBelonging GuitarGuitar Instrument
楽譜Music Sheet
- (長男)ぽんぽんする若者楽譜・#12Hairtousle Teen music sheetBelonging Forest spirit's music sheet
- (おじいちゃん)祖たる賢者楽譜・#11Wise Grandparent music sheet
再訪アイテムTS offer item
- 煌きを放つ親の風車Pinwheel Prop
- 祖たる賢者のランタン・灯篭Wise Grandparent lantern propgrandpa's lantern propMemory Lantern
孤島Isle of Dawn / Isle / Daw
- (末っ子)音と舞う幼子Boogie Kid
- 孤島の神殿右側の洞窟Belonging new area Isle
草原Daylight Prairie / Prairie
- (リボン)紙ふぶき好きのいとこConfetti Cousin
- 蝶々の住処Prairie Butterfly Fieldmuffin rock
雨林Hidden Forest / Forest
- おばあちゃんのテーブルa table that seats 8 players
- 雨林の地下洞Underground Caverndeep underground caverns of Season of BelongingPineswood
- (長男)ぽんぽんする若者Hairtousle TeenBelonging Forest spiritheadpat spirit
峡谷Valley of Triumph / Valley
- (ママ)煌きを放つ親Sparkler Parent
- (峡谷の神殿)迷路MazeBelonging new area ValleyValley end maze
捨てられた地Golden Wasteland / Wasteland
- カニの焚火Bonfire at the Wasteland's GraveyardCrab RoastCampfire of roasting Crabs
- (パパ)訴えかける親Pleaful Parent
書庫Vault of Knowledge / Vault
- (おじいちゃん)祖たる賢者Wise GrandparentWise grandpa
- 書庫地階Vault Archivesthe archive area of VaultBelonging new area Vaulttwo-person door in Vault of Knowledge
- カニの焚火Bonfire at the Wasteland's GraveyardCrab RoastCampfire of roasting Crabs
- 雨林の地下洞Underground Caverndeep underground caverns of Season of BelongingPineswood
- 書庫地階Vault Archivesthe archive area of VaultBelonging new area Vaulttwo-person door in Vault of Knowledge
- 蝶々の住処Prairie Butterfly Fieldmuffin rock
- (峡谷の神殿)迷路MazeBelonging new area ValleyValley end maze
- 孤島の神殿右側の洞窟Belonging new area Isle
- おばあちゃんのテーブルa table that seats 8 players
- おばあちゃんの食卓の木the belonging tree
- カニの焚火Bonfire at the Wasteland's GraveyardCrab RoastCampfire of roasting Crabs
- カニの焚火Bonfire at the Wasteland's GraveyardCrab RoastCampfire of roasting Crabs
- (究極)ぬくもりの焚火・想いを編む季節の究極の焚火BonfireGift BelongingBelonging Ultimate Bonfire
ソーシャルライトSocial Light
- おばあちゃんのテーブルa table that seats 8 players
- カニの焚火Bonfire at the Wasteland's GraveyardCrab RoastCampfire of roasting Crabs
- (おばあちゃん)(仮)想いを編む案内人Belonging GuideGrandma BeloGrandma
友情表現Friendship expression / friend emote / friend expression / partner emote / Relationship Abilities / friendship interaction emote / social emote
- (長男)ぽんぽん・なでなでHairtousleHeadpat