三日月オアシスCrescent Oasis
三日月オアシスCrescent Oasi
- 壁画の精Spirit of Mural
- 国王Feudal LordKing spirit
- ゆりかご抱っこ・お姫様抱っこエモcradle carryprincesscarrybridal carry
- 王女PrincessQueen spiritempress spirit
- 王女のエモ・浮遊スピンFloat SpinPrincess’s flying dancefloatdance
- 薬草採集人Herb Gatherervillager
- 口笛Herb Gatherer’s whistle
- 狩人Hunter
- 狩人エモ・手足を曲げるFlexHunter’s muscle flexHunter emotemuscle
- 九色の鹿Nine-Colored Deer
- コラボルームcollab roomcollab area
- 九色の鹿の季節Season of the Nine-Colored Deer
- 月灯りの案内人Moonlight Guide
- 月灯りの日々Days of Moonlight
九色の鹿の季節Season of the Nine-Colored Deer
- 衛兵palace guards
- 闇が満ちた谷darkness filled valley
- 宮殿Royal PalacePalace at OasisTemple at Oasis
- (エリア)三日月オアシスCrescent Oasis
峡谷Valley of Triumph / Valley
- コラボルームcollab roomcollab area
書庫Vault of Knowledge / Vault
- コラボルームcollab roomcollab area
星月夜の砂漠Starlight Desert / TLP area
- コラボルームcollab roomcollab area
- 闇が満ちた谷darkness filled valley
- 宮殿Royal PalacePalace at OasisTemple at Oasis
- コラボルームcollab roomcollab area